Saturday, March 30, 2013

Powershell dynamically add a web part and set it's properties SharePoint

Having some fun today getting a bit further along with my Powershell scripts. Today I needed to dynamically add a SharePoint Document Library to each of my dashboard sites. In the newly created SitePages Document Library I needed to also have a Web Part Page with a Header Web Part Zone and the page needed to be named Dashboard.aspx.

## ------------------------------------------------
## CREATED   : 2013.03.30
## AUTHOR    : Jason Lasby 
## EMAIL     : 
## ------------------------------------------------
## Script to loop through a set of SharePoint Subsites and  create
## a new Document Library at each sub site named SitePages,&
## then add a page to this new SitePages Document Library
## named Dashboard.aspx
## ------------------------------------------------
## This example illustrates how to dynamically loop
## through a set of sub sites and add a Document Library 
## to each sub site and populate it with a web part page.
## ------------------------------------------------
## Load up the snapin so Powershell can work with SharePoint
## if the snapin was already loaded don't alert the user
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
## Clear any errors or output to the screen
## Set variables
## This variable will be the site where I want to start
$parentSite = "http://sp2010/dashboards"

$webPartProperty_Title = "Title Banner Web Part"
$webPartProperty_ZoneName = "Header"
$webPartProperty_Height = "80"
$webPartProperty_Width = ""
$webPartProperty_Visible = $true
## All content editor web parts will point to this script
$webPartProperty_Link = "http://sp2010/dashboards/scripts/spservicesTest.txt"

Start-SPAssignment -Global
$site = Get-SPWeb $parentSite
$webSites = $site.Webs
foreach($webSite in $webSites)
    $order = $webSite.Name
    $page = $webSite.GetFile("/dashboards/$order/SitePages/Dashboard.aspx") 
    $webPartManager = $webSite.GetLimitedWebPartManager($page, [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
 foreach($webPart in $webPartManager.WebParts)
  $listOfAllWebParts = $webPart.Title
 ## Check the page to see if the web part was already on it
 if($listOfAllWebParts -eq $webPartProperty_Title)
  Write-Host "$webSite already had web part on it."
 ## Create the web part and set some of it's properties
  $cewp = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ContentEditorWebPart
  $cewp.ContentLink = $webPartProperty_Link
     $cewp.Title = $webPartProperty_Title
     $cewp.Height = $webPartProperty_Height
     $cewp.Width = $webPartProperty_Width
  $cewp.Visible = $webPartProperty_Visible
  $cewp.ChromeType = "None"
     $cewp.HorizontalAlign = "Center" 
     ## The AddWebPart takes 3 arguments, first is the web part name, 
     ## then the zone id 
     ## and finally the order number where you want the web part to show in the zone
     $webPartManager.AddWebPart($cewp, $webPartProperty_ZoneName, 0)
  Write-Host "Webpart was created for Order $order"

Stop-SPAssignment -Global

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